contain the narrative [wanting in the Tihrán edition]
of the events which took place between the date of
Tímúr's death (A. H. 807 = A. D. 1405) and A. H. 872
or 873.
The concluding words of the MS. (not connected with
what precedes) occupy the upper part of f. 551ª. They
.. الذي لم يرعين الافلاك مثله و لم يسمع اذن الاعصار
. الخ
and end with the verse:
دعاء صبح خیزانش قرین ،باد سعادت یار و دولت همنشین باد،
No. LVI.
Add. 229 (Lewis).
خاتمة روضة الصفا
The Geographical Appendix, or eighth volume, of
Mirkhwand's Rawḍatu's-safá. See Rieu, p. 93;
Ethé, col. 27, 32, 33; and Aumer's Munich Catalogue,
pp. 65-66.
Ff. 142 (ff. 1a, and 141-142 blank); 20.0 X 12.5 C.;
15 1. Written in small, neat ta'liq; headings in red. Dated
the middle of Jumáda II, A. H. 1049 (= October, A. D.
بر رای ارباب خبرت و اصحاب بصیرت پوشیده نماند آلج
Oo. 6. 12.
حبيب السير (جلد اوّل)
The first volume of the Habibu's-siyar, a well-
known general history by Ghiyáthu'd-Dín b. Humámu'd-
Dín, commonly called Khwándamír, comprising the
history of the Eastern world down to the death of 'Alí
b. Abí Tálib. See Rieu, pp. 98-100; Ethé, col. 33-38.
Ff. 544 (ff. 1a 5446 blank); 26.0 X 16.0 c.; 19 1. Written
in a legible ta'liq between margins ruled in colours;
headings in red. Dated in colophon Rabí' II, A. H. 997
(= Feb.-March, A. D. 1589). From a note in Persian
on f. 1a it appears that the MS. was acquired by a
former possessor in Lahore in A. H. 998.
Begins as usual:
لطايف اخبار لآلى نثار انبیاء عالى مقدار و شرایف آثار معالی
دشار سلاطين ذوى الاقتدار حميد الاثر حبيب السير وقتي
تواند بود که اآلخ
Add. 186 (Lewis 7).
حبيب السير (جلد ثانی)
The second volume of Khwándamír's Habibu's-
siyar, beginning with the history of the Twelve Imáms,
and ending with that of the Khwárazmsháhís and
Changiz Khan.
Ff. 329 (ff. 1a-2a, 3286-329b blank); 31.0 X 18.8 c.;
18 1. Written in a small, neat Persian ta'liq; headings
in red. There is a colophon on f. 328a dated the end
of Sha'bán, A. H. 1039 (= April 13, A. D. 1630). Scribe,
الحمد لله الذى جعل للنبيين لسان صدق
نموده میشود که این صفحات فواید اثر از مجلد ثانیست من
حبيب السير الخ
Add. 2934.
نگارستان قاضی احمد
محمد غفاری
The Nigáristán of Qádí Aḥmad b. Muḥammad