f. 24. as Alláh-Yar b. Hájí Muḥammad-Yár Uz-
bek, of Balkh.
To f. 24 is affixed Awrangzíb's book-plate, bearing
the date A. H. 1081.
Nos. CI, CII. Add. 408. - Add. 409.
سير المتأخرين
تصنیف غلام حسين بن هدایت علی خان بن
السيد فيض الله
السيد عليم الله
الطباطبائي الحسنى
The Siyaru'l-Muta'akhkhirín, a history of the In-
dian empire, from the death of Awrangzíb to A. H.
1195; with a detailed account of transactions in Bengal
from A. H. 1151 to A. H. 1195; to which is prefixed
a Muqaddama, or Introduction, atmost equal in extent
to the rest of the Work, by Ghulam Huseyn b.
Hidayat 'Alí Khán b. es-Seyyid 'Alímu'lláh b. es-Seyyid
Feyḍu'lláh et-Tabatabá'í el-Hasani.
See Morley's Catalogue, pp. 105-108; Rieu, pp. 280-
281; Ethé, col. 140-141. The text was edited at Cal-
cutta in 1833 by 'Abdu'l-Majid in two volumes, which
exactly correspond to these two volumes.
The first volume (Add. 408), like vol. I of the Cal-
cutta edition, contains the prolegomena (Muqaddama), a
sketch of the history of India from the time of the Kaw-
ravas and Pándavas down to the time of Awrangzíb.
This (see Rieu, pp. 280-281, and p. 231a) is taken
with but little alteration from the Khuláṣatu't-Tawarikh
of Munshi Sujân Râ'e. Ff. 514 (1a and 5146 blank), and
fly-leaves a- and 5-x (all blank); 24.5 X 15.7 c.; 17 1.
Written in fair Indian ta'liq (not all in the same hand);
headings in red. Begins and ends like vol. I of the Cal-
cutta edition. No colophon, date or name of copyist.
A Persian letter referring to the manuscript (with the
first volume of which it was apparently sent to a pre-
vious owner), and signed Seyyid Ibráhím, is now at-
tached between ff. 16 and 2a.
The Second volume (Add. 409) corresponds with vol.
II of the Calcutta edition, and is, like it, divided into
two parts, separated by one or two blank leaves. Ff.
757 (1a, 598a-599a, and 7576 blank); fly-leaves a-s
and (all blank). Ff. 430-446 are wrongly arranged
as follows: 430, 440-445, 439, 431-438, 446. The
Arabic paging is wrong for these leaves (which are
numbered according to their present erroneous order);
also for f. 454 (which is numbered 455), and thence on
to f. 553 (numbered 555) where it becomes wrong by
2, and so continues to f. 720 (numbered 722), where
it ceases. No colophon, date, or name of copyist, but
only the following verse inscribed in red after the con-
cluding words:
باد یا رب عمر این صاحب کتاب
تا بود بر چرخ گردان آفتاب
An unfinished portrait of the Nawwáb Majdu'd-Dawla
'Abdu'l-Ahad Khán, which was lying loose between
the leaves, is now attached so as to face f. 1a.
Add. 2772.
تاریخ کشمير نراين كول متخلص بعاجز
The history of Kashmir compiled in A. H. 1122
(=A. D. 1710-1711) by Narayan Kúl, continued by
a later writer down to Sambat, 1903 (= A. D. 1846).