


Oo. 6. 58.

نزهة الضمائر

از تصنيف احمد على

The Nuz-hatu'ḍ-Damá'ir, a history of the Afghan
power in India, written at the request of Major Charles
Morrisk (w) in A. H. 1195 (A. D. 1781) by Aḥmad
'Alí, resident at Murád-ábád.

Ff. 84 (ff. 1a, 786-846 blank); 22.6 X 13.5 c.; 12 l.
Written in Indian ta'liq; headings and overlinings in
red. Ends abruptly at the bottom of f. 78a, and seems
to be incomplete.

Begins (on f. 16):

حمد متواتر و تنائی (sic) متكاثر مــر
همتا را سزاوار است الخ

خالف کبریائی بی

The history begins (on f. 4a) with the coming of
Sháh Alam Khán, the father of Háfiz Rahmat Khán,
to India in the first year of the reign of Farrukh-Siyar
(A. H. 1124), and is carried down to the year A. H.
1166. It includes the reigns of Muḥammad Shah and
Ahmad Sháh, and the invasion of Nádir Sháh.



Oo. 6. 35.

انتخاب تاریخ فیروز شاهی

A general history of India from the time of Mu'izzu'd-
Dín Muḥammad b. Sám (Shihábu'd-Dín Ghorí, A. H.
571-602) to the reign of Akbar, chiefly compiled from
the Tabaqát-i-Náşiri, the Tárikh-i-Firúzsháhí, and the
Tárikh-i-Bahadur-Sháhí, by 'Abdu'l-Haqq-Haqqi,
a celebrated saint of Delhi, who flourished during the
latter part of the 16th and earlier part of the 17th cen-
turies. An account of his life is given by Rieu (p. 14).


Of this work, variously entitled Tabaqat-i-Akbari
(Add. 26, 210 of Brit. Mus.), Dhikru'l-Mulúk (Add.
16, 701, I, of Brit. Mus.), and Intikháb-i-Táríkh-
i-Fírúzshâhí (in the present MS.), Rieu, (pp. 223-4
of Catalogue) describes an earlier text and a later re-
cension. This manuscript appears to contain the former.
Begins as usual:

اللهم مالك الملك توتى الملك

و تعز من



و تنزع الملك ممن تشاء
تشاء بيدك الخير أنك على كل

شيء قدير، منطوق آیه کریمه شامل على الاطلاق جل جلاله

و عم نواله مر بندگان خود را عموماً و خصوصاً الخ

Ends (on f. 75a) with the verses cited by Rieu (p.
224, 11. 4-5) in evidence of the date of composition,
and the colophon, which states that the transcription
of the MS. (here entitled Tárikh-i-Firúzsháhí) was com-
pleted on Dhu'l-Qa'da 2, A. H. 1221 (= Jan. 11th,
A. D. 1807) by the Munshí Ghulám Muḥammad of
Tattah-Nagar in Sindh.

Ff. 76 (ff. 1a, 7b-9a, and 756-766 blank); 25.2 X
13.8 c.; 20 1. Written in fair Indian ta'liq, headings and
overlinings in red. A complete table of contents occu-
pies ff. 1b-7a.

One of the fly-leaves at the beginning bears a seal-
mark with the date A. H. 1212 and an inscription which

انتون يوسف يوجب seems to read

Oo. 6. 18.


گلشن ابرهیمی مشهور بتاريخ فرشته
تصنیف محمد قاسم هندو شاه استرآبادی مشهور


Part of the Gulshan-i-Ibráhímí, a general history
of India from the earliest times to A. H. 1015, com-