Written in an ugly nasta'liq hand at Lucknow in 1262/
1846 on leaves of 25 × 17 c.
208 (p)
King's, No. 50
A Persian translation of Lailáwatí's Bích Ganit, a Sanskrit
work on Arithmetic.
A small, untidy volume, undated. See Palmer's King's
Cat., p. 25.
209 (p)
Or. 6512 (8)
The Bí-sar-náma of Shaykh Farídu'd-Din 'Aṭṭár.
Ff. 85b-91b of 19'3 x II C. and 15 11.; clear ta'liq; rubrica-
tions; dated 1201/1786-7. Bought through Quaritch at the
O'Kinealy sale on Jan. 15, 1906.
210 (p)
بیکت چنتامن
King's, No. 66
A Persian version of the Bekat-i-Chantámaní, undated.
See Palmer's King's Cat., p. 25.
211, 212 (h)
Corpus, No. 146
King's, No. 55
The Padmávat, a favourite Indian legend. The Corpus MS.
contains an Urdú verse translation by Ghulám 'Alí Mashhadí
and Diya'u'd-Dín, written in nasta'liq on pages of 25 × 17 C.,
undated, but quite modern, and defective at the end. The
King's MS. contains a version of the same original in the
Brij Bháshá dialect, and is also undated. See Palmer's King's
Cat., p. 26.
213 (h)
پربوده ناتك
King's, No. 53
The Prabodh Nátak, a Hindí work, followed on p. 112 by
another Hindí work in verse.
Ff. 130, written in bad Indian ta'liq in the 18th year of
Muḥammad Sháh. Palmer (King's Cat., pp. 20 and 26)
describes this MS. as containing also a work entitled Badáyi'u'l-
Khalq of which I find no trace.
214 (p)
پنج رقعات
The Panj Ruqa'át of Zuhúrí, first part.
Corpus, No. 124
Ff. 18, written in cursive nasta líq, and dated 1242/1827.
215-217 (p)
پندنامه عطار
(Or. 692 (7)
Or. 923 (9)
(Christ's, Dd. 3.23
The Pand-náma, or "Book of Counsels," of Shaykh Farí-
du'd-Dín 'Attár.
Or. 692 contains also a Turkish commentary on the poem
by 'Abdu'r-Rahmán Efendi, who lived in the time of Sultán Mu-
hammad IV (A.D. 1648-1687). It comprises 121 ff. of 191 x 13 c.
and 19 11., is written in a fair Turkish naskh with rubrications,
is undated, and was bought of Géjou in December, 1907.
Or. 923 comprises 80 ff. of 20 x 14'5 c. and 15 ll. in the first
part and seven in the second. The former (ff. 1-30) contains
an acephalous Pand-náma, probably 'Attár's; the latter
(ff. 31-80) a collection of Persian letters, devoid of diacritical
points, and very difficult to read. Christ's, Dd. 3. 23 con-
tains a large selection of Turkish and some Persian poetry,
including the Pand-náma, and is dated 975/1567-8. Ff. 182.
218 (p)
پندنامه سعدی
Corpus, No. 174
The Pand-náma, or "Karímá," of Sa'dí of Shíráz.
Ff. 11, written in nim-shikasta in 1248/1832-3.
219 (t)
پندنامه گلشنی
Or. 175 (8)
The Turkish Pand-náma (or Pend-námé) of Gulshaní
Ff. 32 of 194 x 12 c. and 17 ll.; small, neat Turkish rug'a
with rubrications, undated, but modern. Bought of Géjou on
January 1, 1902.
220 (h)
پندنامه (?)
Corpus, No. 99
An Urdú poem by Hájji Walí, entitled, apparently, Pand-
náma, but the title is very illegible.
Ff. 17 of 18 x 1II C., written in a scrawly nasta'liq.