


and preceded by a prose preface. Ff. 43 of 20 x 14 c., written
in Turkish nasta'liq.

Emmanuel, No. 3.2.7, contains five parts, of which the
first is the Burda, the second the same with Persian metrical
paraphrase, the third an Arabic fragment, the fourth prayers
and the fifth poems.

170 (h)

برق لامع

Corpus, No. 138
Barq-i-lámi ("the Gleaming Lightning"), an anonymous
mathnazvi poem in Urdú containing a controversy between a
Shi'a and a Sunní, written from the extreme Shi'a point of
view. The date of composition is given in the chronogram

.983/1575-6 = لعنت بر ابو بکر

Ff. 52 of 33 x 22 c., written in good clear nasta'liq.

171 (p)


King's, No. 56

A mathnawi poem in the style of the Sháh-náma entitled
Barzú-náma, but not agreeing with the poem described under
this title in B.M.P.S., No. 195. It deals with the adventures
of Rustam and Suhráb, and is ascribed in the colophon to
Mawláná Shamsu'd-Dín Muḥammad Kawíj.

Dated 829/1425-6, in error, apparently, for 1019/1610-11.
See Palmer's King's Cat., p. 5.

172 (a)

البرهان في الصرف العربي

Or. 864 (8)

An acephalous work on Arabic grammar entitled al-
Burhán, or more probably an abridgement thereof, since it
concludes as follows:

انقضى و تم تلخيص المقالة الثانية من كتاب البرهان،

Written in a coarse but legible naskh on 434 ff. of 20 x 12 c.
and 14 ll.; first leaf missing; dated Sháhjahán-ábád, 1135/
1722-3. Robertson Smith Bequest. The volume is described
on the back as containing the Logic of Aristotle.

173 (p)

برهان مآثر

King's, No. 64

The Burhán-i-Ma' áthir of 'Alí b. 'Azízu'lláh at-Tabátabá'í,
a history of the Bahmaní and Nizámsháhí dynasties from



742-1004 (1341-1595) composed about the latter date. See
B.M.P.C., p. 314b; Palmer's King's Cat., p. 6.

Ff. 427.

174 (a)

بستان العارفين

King's, No. 59

The Bustánu'l-Arifin of Abu'l-Layth Nasr b. Muḥammad
b. Ibráhím b. al-Khaṭṭáb as-Samarqandí (d. 383/993). See
Brockelmann, i, 195-6; Palmer's King's Cat., p. 20; and
Camb. Hand-list, p. 21.

Ff. 83; clear naskh with rubrications.

175 (t)

بشارت نامه رفیعی

Or. 569 (9)

A Turkish Hurúfí poem by Rafí'í known as Bashárat-náma.
See B.M.T.C., and E. J. W. Gibb's History of Ottoman Poetry,
vol. i, pp. 344-5 and 369-76.

Ff. 75 of 24 x 168 c. and 15 11., large, clear Turkish riq'a
with rubrications; dated 1268/1851-2. Bought of Géjou,
July 14, 1905.

176 (a)

بغية المرتاد لتصحيح

Or. 19 (7)

Bughyatu'l-Murtád li-tashihi'd-Dád, by Shaykh Abu'l-
Hasan 'Alí b. Ghánim al-Qudsí, d. 1004/1595. See Brockel-
mann, ii, 312.

Ff. 21 of 177 × 13 c. and 15 11.; good, clear naskh with
rubrications; undated. Bought of Naaman, Feb. 5, 1901.

177, 178 (p)

بلبل نامه

Or. 2573 (8)

Or. 274¹ (8)

Two copies of the Bulbul-náma of Shaykh Farídu'd-Dín
'Attár, both from the Cowell Bequest. The first comprises ff. 22
of 20'3 x 15 c. and II I., and was copied in a large, clear
Indian nasta'liq in 1273/1857. The second, copied in the same
year, occupies ff. 1b-21a of 21'5 x 16 c. and II 11., is written in
a clear Indian ta'liq with rubrications, and is followed by the
Mihr u Mushtari of 'Assár of Tabríz, and two Sanskrit works,
the Srútabodha of Kálidása and the Dhúrtasamáyana Nátak.