


Written in nasta'liq on pages of 23 x 13 c., which are con-
siderably wormed; undated.

150 (h)

باغ و بهار

Or. 881 (16)

A Hindustání story-book entitled in the colophon (dated
1244/1828-9) Bágh u Bahár and Chahár Darwish, bought of
G. David on July 3, 1912. Pp. 263 of 368 x 21 c. and 15 11.,
written in a large, clear, coarse, Indian ta'liq, for an English-
man named Hume or Home.

151 (a)

بحار الأنوار

Or. 4365 (8)

An abridgement of the seventh volume of the great work
on Shi'a traditions entitled Biháru'l-Anwar. This volume
deals with the Imamate.

Ff. 65b-87b, of 20'3 x 12'3 c., written in good naskh with
rubrications; incomplete at end. Bought of Hannan, Watson
& Co., Aug. 29, 1903.

152 (a)

بحث المطالب

Or. 463 (9)

Bahthu'l-Matálib, a work on Arabic grammar by Jibril b.
Farhát (d. A.D. 1732).

This MS. was transcribed by Buṭrusu'l-Bustání (d. A.D. 1884)
in A.D. 1841, is annotated by Dr Cornelius Van Dyck, the
learned American missionary in Syria, and was presented to
the Library by his son Dr Edward Van Dyck. It contains
ff. 132 of 225 x 17 C. and 19 11., and is written in clear naskh
with rubrications.

153 (p)

بحر الأنساب

Corpus, No. 205¹

A historical and genealogical work containing notices of
prophets, contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad, the
Imáms, etc., by Muḥammad Ja'far Husayn.

Written in shikasta on paper measuring 25 x 15 C.

154 (a)

بحر الجواهر

King's, No. 51

Bahru'l-Jawahir, a work on Medicine and Materia Medica,
by Muhammad b. Yúsuf of Herát, the physician.

See Palmer's King's Cat., p. 20. Written in bad ta'liq with


بحر الغرائب

Bahru'l-Ghará ib. See under Lughat-i-Halimi.

155 (a)




Or. 866

An account of different sects entitled Bahru'l-Madháhib,
by 'Abdu'l-Wahháb al-Qudwá'í al-Qannawjí Mun'im Khán,
composed about 1125/1713. See Brockelmann, ii, pp. 417-8.

From Professor Robertson Smith's library. Written in fair
ta'liq with rubrications on pages of 22'6 x 14'5 c. and 17 11.,

156 (a)

بحور العين (في الفقه الحنفي

Or. 21¹ (9)

A work on Hanafite Law entitled Bahuru'l- Ayn, by 'Alí
Efendi, Muftí of Tripoli.

Ff. 1-72 of 22'2 x 15'3 c., dated 1208/1793-4. Bought of
J. J. Naaman, Feb. 2, 1901.

157 (t)

بدء الامالى قصیده سنگ ترجمه سی

Or. 2083 (8)
A Turkish translation of the Arabic qasida known as
Bad'u'l-Amáli by Siráju'd-Din 'Alí b. 'Uthmán al-Úshí al-
Farghání, who wrote it in 566/1163. See Brockelmann, i, 429.

The MS., of which this portion occupies ff. 32b-37b, is
described below (p. 29) under al-Burda. Bought of J. J.
Naaman, Oct. 12, 1902.

158 (p)

بدائع العقول

King's, No. 61

Badáyi'u'l-Uqúl, a Persian version of the Sanskrit Vetála-
pañchavim gatika, or 25 Tales of a Demon told to King
Vikramaditya. This version, stated by Count Serge d'Olden-
burg to be unique, was composed in the reign of Awrangzíb
in 1082/1671-2.

See Palmer's King's Cat., p. 25. The MS. was transcribed
in 1198/1783-4.

159 (a)


المنير في اسرار الاكسير

Add. 3701 (8)

A treatise on Alchemy entitled al-Badru'l-Munir fí Asrári'l-

Iksir, by Aydimir b. 'Alí b. Aydimir al-Jaldaki.