


al-Marjání. The MS. was bought of Géjou on Feb. 14, 1900,
is dated 891/1486, and is written in a large, clear naskh with
rubrications. This portion occupies ff. 60-71.

(9) 890 .r المسلك السهل شرح على التوشيح البديع) (a) 1189

Al-Maslaku's-Sahl, a commentary on at-Tawshiḥu'l-Badi,
by Ibráhím b. Sahl. The MS., dated 1256/1840-1, was bought
of G. David on Dec. 20, 1912. It contains 231 pp. of 22'2 X
176 c. and 19 ll., is written in a Maghribí hand, pointed, with
rubrications, and is punctuated in red and white.

1190 (p)

مشابهات ربیعی

Corpus, No. 91
Mushábahát-i-Rabi'i ("Vernal Similitudes"), one of the
minor works of Mullá Tughrá of Mashhad, one of the Court
poets of Sháh-Jahán. See B.M.P.C., p. 743, xii. The MS.,
undated, contains 68 ff. of 21 x 12 c., and is written in nasta'liq.

13.431. Trinity المشارب الهنئية والموارد الشمسية (a) 1191

Al-Masháribu'l-Hani'iyya wa'l-Mawáridu'sh-Shamsiyya,
by Burhánu'd-Din al-Qayruwání. See Palmer's Trin. Cat.,
pp. 92-100. This portion of the MS. occupies pp. 1-91.

119 (t)

مشاق العشاق

Or. 4692 (8)

The Masháqqu'l- Ushsháq ("Lovers' troubles"), by Nargisi,
who died in 1044/1634-5. See Flügel's Vienna Cat., vol. ii,
pp. 264-5; Pertsch's Berlin Turkish Cat., No. 145, pp. 163-4.
This MS. was bought of Géjou on Jan. 29, 1904, and appears
to be dated 1160/1747. This portion occupies ff. 72-118, and
is written in a small, neat nasta'liq on pages of 21 x 11'5 c. and
23 11.

1193 (p)

Or. 521 (8)


السلطانية فى الابعاد النجومية و الاجرام البسيطة

A Persian work on Astronomy entitled al-Maşábíhu's-
Sultániyya etc. The MS. is one of thirty bought of Hannan
and Watson on August 20, 1904; is dated 1250/1834-5; com-
prises 88 ff. of 21 x 14'8 c. and 20 ll., and is written in a poor
ta'liq with rubrications.

1194 (a, p)-


مصابيح القلوب


Corpus, No. 200
Masábíḥu'l-Qulub ("Hearts' Lamps"), a collection of tradi-
tions in Arabic with Persian translation and commentary, in
53 chapters, by al-Hasan ash-Shí'í (?) of Sabzawár. The MS.
was transcribed by 'Alí b. Ridá of Dínpúr (?) in 1183/1769-
1770, and is written in naskh on pages of 25 x 16 c.

1195 (a)

(8) 1496. المصباح المنير في غريب الشرح الكبير

Al-Misbáhu'l-munir fí gharibish-Sharhi'l-Kabir, by Ah-
mad b. Muhammad b. 'Alí al-Muqrí al-Fayyúmí, who died in
770/1368. See Brockelmann, ii, p. 25; B.M.A.S., p. 587, Nos.
867-9. This MS., undated, is one of thirty bought of Messrs
Hannan and Watson on Aug. 20, 1904, and comprises 255 ff.
of 21 x 15 c. and 27 11. It is written in fair naskh with rubrica-
tions, is incomplete at the end, and is undated.

1196 (p)

مصباح طريق

Or. 434 (6)

A Persian mystical work entitled Misbáḥ-i-Tariq ("the
Lamp of the Path") by Abu'l-Hasan b. Muhammad 'Alí of
Yazd. This MS., bought of Hannan and Watson on Aug. 29,
1903, comprises 169 ff. of 15 x 10'25 c. and 12 11. and is defec-
tive at the end.

1197 (p)

مصباح المبتدى

Corpus, No. 196

A Persian grammar entitled Misbáhu'l-Mubtadí ("the
Beginner's Lamp"), by Muhammad Raḥím 'Alí Khán, who
lived at Sikandarpúr in the time of Khán Muzaffar Jang
Bahádur. The MS., undated, is written in cursive nasta'liq on
pages of 24 x 15 c.

1198 (p)

مصیبت نامه عطار

Or. 6853 (9)

A few selections from the Musíbat-náma of Shaykh Farí-
du'd-Dín 'Attár occupying ff. 100-113 of the MS. described
under Nos. 732 and 734 supra and 1265 infra, which
was bought of Géjou on May 10, 1906.

1199 (a)

مطالع الانظار في شرح طوالع الانوار

Or. 7 (10)

The Matáliu'l-Anzár, a commentary by Maḥmúd b.
'Abdu'r-Rahmán b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abí Bakr al-