Add. 31921
الرد على الحريرى فى مقاماته و انتصار ابن بُرَى
Ibnu'l-Khashshab's Criticism on al-Hariri, and Ibn Burayy's
refutation of Ibnu'l-Khashshab's strictures. See H.Kh., vol. vi,
p. 64; B. M. A. C., p. 637b. [The MS. has been partially
described under No. 384 supra. This portion occupies ff. 1-64
(versos only) and was transcribed from a MS. dated Thursday,
the end of Rabi I, A. H. 646, in the Library of Sultan Fatih.
The transcription was completed on Muharram 13, A. H.
الرد على الوهابي
Add. 2791
A Refutation of the Wahhabis by Shaykh Muhammad al-
Maghribi at-Tunisi. [Ff. 28 of 166 x 115 c. and II ll.; fair
naskh; rubrications; transcribed by Muhammad az-Zawawi
al-Maghribi in A. H. 1226.] The full title of the work appears
to be -
العجالة الوجيزة المرضية فى الردّ على الوهّابي و جماعة الوهابية،
Begins :
الحمد لله الذى ايد الاسلام بالعلماء الاعلام و قطع
بواضح ادلتهم حجج اهل الزيغ الخ
74614 .Add رسالة برسم مولانا غازى باشا بمصر على تفسير 453
بآياتنا الخ
لقد ارسلنا موسى
قوله تعالی و
A treatise explaining the verse (Qur. xi, 99), "Verily We
sent Moses with our signs," &c., by Ibrahim al-Ma'muni. [For
description of MS. see No. 21 supra. This tract occupies
ff. 242-256. It has no colophon.]
رسالة في بيان فضل نيل مصر
Qq. 85
A treatise on the Virtues of the Nile, by Ahmad b. 'Imād
ash-Shafi'i. The alternative title Al-Jawharu'n-nadid fi
'aja'ibi 'n-Nili's-sa'id is also given on the title-page. [Ff. 33
of 17.3 x 130 c. and 15 11.; fair naskh; rubrications; no
رسالة في التصوف
Add. 422
A treatise on Sufi doctrine, by Shaykh 'Abdu'l-Latif. See
P. C., No. xxx, pp. 90-91.
رسالة في التوحيد
Ff. 6. 382
An anonymous Treatise on the Divine Unity. [For
description of MS. see No. 87 supra. This tract occupies
pp. 373-384, and is by the hand of the same Christian scribe
of Hama who wrote the first portion of the MS.]
رسالة في التواريخ
Add. 2412
An anonymous treatise on chronology, dates, &c. See
P. C., No. cli, p. 237.
رسالة في الحروف المقطعة
Add. 32292
A short treatise of 4 pages on the spiritual meanings of
each of the 28 letters (or 29 including lam-alif) which
constitute the Arabic alphabet. The MS. has been described
under No. 261. This treatise occupies ff. 65b-67b, and has no
date or colophon.
رسالهء خطوط
Ll. 6. 186
A treatise on Calligraphy, &c. See P. C., No. cccxxviii,
PP. 409-414.
رساله دلائل فراست
Add. 4182
A treatise on Physiognomy by Muḥammad Mirza Khan.
See P. C., No. cxxxvi, pp. 223-226.
رسالة في سنن الطايفة النقشبندية
Add. 1073
A treatise on the Institutions and Rites of the Naqshbandi
order of Dervishes, by Taju'd-Din ar-Rumi. [Ff. 12 of
210 x 15'7 c. and 19 11.; clear but poor naskh; rubrications;
scribe, Sayyid Darvish Khalil Raha'i, A. H. 1203.]