his Kitabu dh-dhara if wa'l-lata' if, described in L. C., i, p.
219. The name of the editor is given in the opening line as
Abu Nasr Ahmad b. 'Abdu'r-Razzaq al-Maqdisi:—
قال ابو نصر احمد بن عبد الرزاق المقدسي اسعده الله
و استنجاح
بمرضاته الحمد لله خير ما طلب به استفتا
المرام ... هذا الكتاب كان في نسختين متناسبتي الجمع
متناسختى الوضع باسم الشيخ ابو منصور الثعالبي رحمه الله
احداهما كتاب اللطايف والظرايف و الاخرى كتاب اليواقيت
في بعض المواقيت الخ
Besides the reference to L.C. above given, see Ibid., i, pp.
216-218; V. C., i, pp. 332-335; and Ellis' Cat. of Arabic
books in the British Museum, vol. i, pp. 51-52. This recension
has been printed in Cairo, A. H. 1300. [Ff. 102 of 20'6 x 14'8
c. and 17 ll. ; good, clear naskh; rubrications; dated the 3rd
of Sha'ban, A. H. 133 ; scribe, Mustafa Ahmad Hijazi al-
[كتاب] يواقيت المواقيت
Qq. 129
Another work in part of the same character, and almost
of the same title (Yawaqitu'l-mawaqit), as the above, and
ascribed to "ash-Shaykh an-Nisabūrī," but wholly different
as to contents. It begins -
كتاب يواقيت المواقيت تاليف الشيخ الامام العالم العلّامة
الشهير بالنيسابوري رحمه
برحمته و
آله، قال الشيخ الامام النيسابورى هذا كتاب جمعتُ
بمحمد و
ذمه تذكرة باولی الابصار و موعظة
الشي و
فيه بين مدح
لذوى الاستبصار ذم المزاح، المزاح ياكل الهيبة كما تاكل
النار الحطب الخ
The part of the volume dealing with "blame and praise,"
however, occupies but a few pages, the last heading in this
category being on f. 5ª, "in praise of poverty" (
This is followed by a long discussion between persons of
different trades (the physician, the Şufi, the goldsmith, the
carpenter, &c.). On f. 11b begins a section headed :-
باب اختلاج الاعضا و بيان ما يدلّ عليه من قول الحكماء
On f. 13b begins the story of the handmaiden Tawaddud
and her discussion with the learned men before Härūnu'r-
Rashid (see No. 846 supra), which occupies the remainder of
the volume (ff. 13b-34b). [Ff. 34 of 20'6 x 148 c. and 21 ll.;
small and ungraceful but fairly clear naskh; no date or
(قصة) يوسف و زليخا
Add. 1066
The Story of Yusuf and Zulaykha in Arabic. See above,
No. 859.
يوسف و زلیخا
(Mm. 6. 3 Add. 202
Add. 804 Add. 1573
Add. 2626 Add. 2771
The Romance of Yusuf and Zulaykha in Persian verse, by
Mulla Nuri'd-Din 'Abdu'r-Rahman Fami. See P. C., Nos.
cclxviii-cclxxiii, pp. 355-358.
يوسف و زلیخا
Dd. 4. 10
The Romance of Yusuf and Zulaykha, in Turkish verse,
by Yahya Bay, beginning:
مرادم یوسفینه روزن ایله
الهی عین عشقم روشن ایله
The author's name is mentioned not only in a note on the
title-page but also in the fourth bayt from the end of the
poem -
بو تصنیفیله آدی اولدی احیا
عنایت ایلدي يحيايه مولا
See H. Kh., No. 14500. [Ff. 159 of 207 x 12'5 c. and
17 ll.; good ta'liq; rubrications; dated Dhu'l-Qa'da, A. H.
975, i.e. during the author's lifetime, if H. Kh. is correct in
stating that he was still alive in A. H. 990.]