


ethical and religious questions, ascribed in a note on the
cover to Katib Chelebi, beginning :-:




الحمد لله الذى جعل العقل حجة في خلقه

به فيما يفرق بين الباطل و حقه الخ

[For description of MS. see above, No. 1066. This portion
has a separate colophon dated the 29th of Muharram, A. H.


میزان فی علم الصرف

Oo. 6. 431

A treatise on the conjugation of the regular verb in
Arabic, entitled Mizan. See P. C., No. clxxvi¹, p. 261.


ناصح العرفان

Dd. 11. 333

A Turkish didactic mathnawi poem entitled Naşiḥu
"'l-irfan, beginning :-

هر نفس آنی رهنما قلالم
الله آدنی پیشوا قیلالم

The poem was completed in A. H. 931, as shown by the
third couplet from the end :-

طقوز یوز هم اوتوز برك ،پیلنده تمام اتدم بونی موره ایلنده

[Ff. 46 of 212 x 13.8 c. and 10 11. (in this portion, which
occupies ff. 13b-36a); good naskh; rubrications; dated the
beginning of Rabi II, A. H. 1063; scribe, Taḍarru'ī.]


Add. 3504

نبذة في تاريخ شام و من بناها و عدة ابوابها و ذكر قلعتها،

Nubdhatun fi ta'rikhi'sh-Sham, a short account of Da-
mascus, its citadel, the number of its gates, and its architects,
beginning with a short extract from the Mujim of al-Bakri.
[Ff. 8 of 163 x 12'5 c. and 14 ll.; fair naskh, overlined with
red; not dated.]

نبذة من المواليات على حروف المعجم

Qq. 2191

A collection of verses, mostly erotic, arranged alpha-
betically, forming the first part (ff. 2b-15b) of an Anthology



of Arabic poetry, &c. See Part II, untitled MSS., vii (Poetry
and Anthologies).


Qg. 79

نبذة من مكاتبات السلاطين و الوزراء و ارباب المقامات و الامراء

An Arabic Epistolary Manual, entitled Nubdhatun min
mukātabati's-Salatin &c. [Ff. 78 of 164 x II'I C. and 16 11.;
fair naskh; compiled and transcribed by Fabril b. Mikhail
of Aleppo for an Englishman named Abraham (
S); Damascus, Ḥazīrān (June) A. D. 1812.]

النجم الثاقب في شرح تنبيه الطالب

Mm. 1. 22
1161, 1162
Mm. 1. 23
An-Najmu'th-thaqib, a commentary by Muhammad al-
Khatib ash-Sharbini (d. A. H. 977) on the Tanbihu't-Talib of
Shaykh Ibrahim Abu Ishaq b. 'Ali b. Yusuf ash-Shirazi al-
Firūzābādi (d. A. H. 496), beginning, after the doxology:-


و بعد، فيقول فقیر رحمة ربه محمد الخطيب الشربينى هداه
و رفع عن قلبه
الله تعالى الى منهاج الهداية و رعاه و
حجابه هذا ما دعت اليه حاجة المتفهمين للتنبيه في الفقه

للامام .... الشيرازي الفيروزاباذي الخ

See H. Kh., No. 3639, and, for this commentary, the same
volume (vol. ii), p. 436, 11. 3-4. [Mm. 1. 22 comprises
ff. 518 of 215 x 15'6 c. and 25 11.; clear naskh; rubrications;
dated Monday, the 18th of Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 1044; scribe,
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. Aḥmad b. 'Abdu'l-Ghafir. Mm. 1. 23
comprises ff. 520 of 215 x 15'7 and 25 11.; dated Wednesday
the 24th of Şafar, A. H. 1045; scribe the same as the last.]

النجوم الزاهرة فى ملوك مصر و القاهرة

Qq. 6
An-nujumu z-zahira fi muluki Misr wa'l-Qahira, the
second volume (from the reign of al-Maliku'n-Naşir) of
Jamalud-Din Abu'l-Maḥasin Yusuf b. Taghri-bardi's His-
tory of Egypt. See H. Kh., No. 13617; B.M.A.C., p. 569.
[Ff. 237 of 314 x 21 c. and 25 11.; fair naskh; rubrications;
incomplete at end, and wanting colophon.]