


H. Kh., No. 11366; B.M.A.C., p. 290b; B. M. A. C2, No.
1125, ii, p. 707; L. C., i, pp. 58-59, &c. [Ff. 7 of 20'3 x 16'0 c.
and 13 11.; large, clear, European naskh, pointed, not dated.]


مثنوى تجلّى

Add. 574

Part of the Mathnavi-i-Tajalla, or Mi'raju'l-Khayal of
Mulla 'Ali Rida. See P. C., No. cccii, p. 385.


مثنوی مرادی

Mm. 3. 10

The first volume of the Mathnavi-i-Muradi, a Turkish
metrical paraphrase of the great Mathnavi of Jalalud-Din
Rūmi (see immediately below), beginning:-

الله ذى المنّ العظيم
استعذت الله من مكر الرجيم قلت بسم ا

The actual paraphrase begins:-

بشنو این نی چون شکایت میکند
از جداییها حکایت میکند
نالهء نیدن است كُل يا بُنَى
كيم ندن اغلر ندن كُيْنَر بونَی
گوش هوش اچ طی شکایتلر ایدر

ایری لیقلردن حکایتلر ایدر

The reigning Sultan Murad is praised and the title of the
work explained and justified in the preceding sections. [Ff.
204 of 31 3 x 19'7 c. and 17 ll.; large, clear naskh; pointed;
dated the middle of Shawwal, A. H. 840.]


مثنوی معنوی

Gg. 5. 32 00. 6. 32
Add. 199 Add. 845

Four copies of the Mathnavi-i-ma'navi of Jalalud-Din
Rūmi. The first three are fully described in P. C., pp. 313-
315, Nos. ccxxiv-ccxxvi. The last, Add. 845, comprises
ff. 397 of 330 x 20'3 c. and 19 ll. in four columns; fair ta'liq;
rubrications; dated Shawwal 15, A. H. 1221; scribe, Ghulam
Muhyiyyu'd-Din. See also Nos. 299 and 622 (commentaries),

.infra نسخه ناسخه ... extracts), and) 967



مثنوی (انتخاب)


Oo. 6. 23

Extracts from the above-mentioned Mathnavi, entitled
Lubb-i-lubab-i-ma'nawi. See P. C., No. ccxxviii, pp. 319-320.

2118 .Qq مجموع

نفيس فيه خمسة كتب من آداب البحث 1006

A collection of five tracts on the Ethics of Controversy,
entitled Majmu nafis, the first by Mawlānā 'Abdu'r-Rahim
(ff. 130-138). [The MS. comprises ff. 174 of 196 × 14'6 c.,
and, in this part, 25 11.; poor nasta'liq.]



Add. 3163 (= Add. 3293)

The Kitābu'l-Majdal, a Christian controversial work.
See Steinschneider's Polemische und apologetische Literatur
in arab. Sprache (part iii of vol. vi of the Abhandlungen für
die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Leipzig, 1877), pp. 83-86. [The
MS. contains the second volume of the work, is defective at
the beginning and at several other places, and comprises
ff. 223 of 247 x 166 c. and 17 11. Written in a fine, large old
naskh, pointed; not dated.]


مجمع الانساب

Add. 1088

The first part of the general history entitled Majma'u'l-
ansab. See P. C., No. xlii, p. 102.


مجمع الفرس

Add. 191

The Persian dictionary of Sururi entitled Majma'u'l-Furs.
See P. C., No. cxlii, p. 230.


مجمع اللطايف

Dd. 6. 20

A Turkish manual of Sacred History, evidences of Islām,
advice to Kings, &c., compiled by Siraj b. 'Abdu'llah, in five
chapters, as follows:-

خلفا سوزيله نصایح
باب اولکی قرآن و حدیثیله و اولیا و

ملوكده در
