they are unwilling to adopt, and conceive it might eventually tend to the hindrance, rather than the furtherance of the Publication."
Earl Spencer ...First lord of the Admiralty Sir Joseph Banks Bar.t ...President of the Royal Society Rev.d D.r Maskelyne ...Astronomer Royal Rev.d Dr Hornsby ...Savilian Prof.r of Ast.y Oxford. Rev.d D.r Shepherd ...Plumian Prof.r of Ast.y Camb. S.r Andrew Snape Hammond Bar.t Comptroller of the Navy. The Rev.d M.r Lax ...Loundes Profr of Ast.y Camb.
M.r Wales, nominated by Earl Spencer, was chosen secretary to the Board.
M.r Gilpin's services as keeper of the Boards instruments were taken into consideration: Resolved that M.r Gilpin be paid fifty five Guineas, that is, after the rate of five Guineas a year for his past services; and after the rate of ten pounds a year in future for taking care of the instruments, and making trial of such instruments