Dearest Jim
Thank you so much for yr letter.
I had wondered very much how you
were. & if you
got my last letter.
I have not been well lately, a series
of colds &
resulting weakness.
a bad one (caught from Eric!) who kindly came down to see
I agree about the European situation.
Pray God it may turn out to be
"good thing". - I fear the
French - and French pressure - if only
could talk fairly, calmly, and generously
to the Germans 1* - it's
what every body
one meets desires - from
illiterate men
on meets in 'pubs, to men of position,
to men of
intelligence - almost without
exception - it's the only sane thing.
the devious ways of politicians -
how can you tell what they will do?
what "interests" are behind it all -
However One does hope & hope for
best. God grant we shan't be Disappointed
It is extraordinary that you have scraped together some pictures for
fern. You are a marvellous
man. You are indeed - of course
these are
things of Bruckley - but I
I thought Von
Ribbentrop's speech at the
League assembly most awfully good &
- absolutely reasonable. Are people you meet in London taking
this view?? -
Damn this legalistic
of the Frogs &
some of our people - Why can't we make a great &
generous gesture without 'terms' of any sort - it's always the [only] thing.