Augt 5' dug up th flower-Hed which buried itself on July
22d. — «The aborted
flower» Had becme perfectly white & thog «bore» ‹were› vy few long
simple Hairs, & excpt one yng one «(& this was affected by C. of Amnia)» had
none of th muticellular Hairs. Thet1
outer one had becom much developed into lng— rigid cylinder, bearg
5 points & had grwn beneth th soil, by whic mean thy
‹grw› had entangled th earth & formed a ball —
frm which the earth cd
not easily be washed «This must have been
chiefly due to th points after grwng ‹hav› bending upwards & this would tend to
drag flower-Hed deeper in earth.»t3
— an admirablet4 protction to th 3 included
tru flowers with seds much enlarged.— Then looked again at th yng
aborted flowers on Heads not
buried & on their summits, before th long 5-clawed prjections hd been
there were an abundance of th short, cylindrical, multicellular,
hair containing much «white»
protopasm which aggregatest6
under influence of C. of Ammnia 2 gr to 1 oz weakened by water
under coverng glass: th cells seem at first filled witht7
Aggretion of subunitst8
Characteristics: pale blue; wove paper; folded at one
Textual Features: in
dark grey ink
t1 Augt 5' dug…The] scored in blue crayon in left margin t2 Augt 5' dug…earth cd] crossed in blue crayon t3 «& this would tend to drag flower-Hed deeper in earth.»] vertically upwards t4 had grwn…an admirable] scored in blue crayon in left margin t5 th long…developed,] underlined in blue crayon t6 es] written over 'ion' t7 cylindrical, multicellular…filled with] scored in blue crayon in left margin t8 subunits] conjectured transcription t9 Aggretion of subunits] vertically upwards; added in blue crayon
Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History