
June 18' to morng of 20' 1878
Arachis hypogea circumnutation of leaf. & sleep.t1
A fine leaf was secured to a stick so that «the» 2 terminal leaflets alone left free. — Leaflet observed was 1 1/8 in length — obsrved under skylight as here shown

[diagram labels]1
6 3/4.
5 1/2 inch

Temp. on 18th 161/2 to 17': on 19't2 17°—17 1/2. C.
The plant havg been shaken, «‹& tied›» & broght out of bright light & petiole secured to stick , leaflet when first observd «at 10°45 a. m» stood «with lateral edge» vertical by twistst3 of petiole, as when asleep.; & on 18th the sole movemt was expandng «ast4 . day advanced» & after 4° P.m the becoing vertical again for sleep..
On 19th (or next day) course more complex, «1»t5 descnded, ascended, «2»t6 descnded ascnded, «3»t7 descended & ascnded, as it went to sleep. After sleep on both ‹nights› «night» descended ,(ie leaf began to open) ‹vry› early in mornig — The plant either frm not being brighly illuminated or frm not being hot. engh did not sleep so well as in Hot-House. — There can be no doubt ‹circumntatn› «circumnutates» in the day in the same peculiar manner, as when night comes on & induces the peculiar position of Sleep.—t8

Scientific Practice: experimental design; experimental observations
Physical Characteristics: ruled in blue; pinholes; with impress of pin; pale blue; wove paper

t1 & sleep.] added in pencil t2 9] written over in pencil '8' t3 twists] retouched t4 «as»] written over 'in' t5 «1»] added in pencil t6 «2»] added in pencil t7 «3»] added in pencil t8 in the…of Sleep.—] double scored in left margin

1. Note sighting tool in the left corner of the diagram.

Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History