Bolivian human species?—1
Small «new» animal mentioned from
Fernando Po X
b Zoolog. Proceedings
October (?) 18372
Contrast New Zealand with Tasmania
The reason why there is not perfect gradation of change in species,, as physical
changes are gradual, is this if
after isolation (seed blown into desert) or separation by mountain
chains &c the species have not been much altered they will cross (perhaps more
fertility & so make that sudden step, species or
Contrast . . .
Tasmania] added
X] added
19] added in
brown crayon to ‘Small . . . 1837’
dThe reason . . . or not.] crossed
1. Pentland 1835:623-24, 'The author . . . stated . . . there existed [known from tombs at Titicaca] at a comparatively recent period a race of men very different from any of those now inhabiting our globe, characterized principally by the anomalous form of the cranium, in which two thirds of the entire weight of the cerebral mass is placed behind the occipital foramen, and in which the bones of the face are very much elongated.' 2. W. C. L. Martin 1837.
Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History