
Ch. 10t1
«I found two nests of» ‹In› F. sanguinea, «in none of a ‹two nests›» ‹of which› «&» I watched «them» several times a day during the latter part of April for more than a week. The larger workers are twice as long & bulky as the smaller, & a perfect question can be made. Both ‹[illegible] › Kinds of workers go out foraging and I saw both brining in caterpillars & other food. I cannot confirm F. Smiths statement about the larger ones only coming out whcn the nest is disturbed. In the one «smaller» nest there were, ‹I think› «certainly many» more small workers than in the other «I have hardly a doubt that it seems fact both with F. rufa» I can confirm F. Smith that the little black slaves, «(of F.)» which at this time of year were few in either nest, do not go out foraging, «but still come out when nest disturbed.»: they are household & not field slaves, & therefor one may suppose of somewhat less importance to the community. In smaller nest only 1/2 dozen black slaves.
The slaves were of two nigert2

Scientific Practice: note refers to a person
Physical Characteristics: wove paper; off-white

t1 Ch. 10] added in brown crayon; perpendicular to main text t2 The slaves...niger] perpendicular to main text

Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History