Ch. 10t1
If Plate used for Bee— Cell— Theory.
Copy in Mem. de la Soc. Phys de Geneve Tomt2
8. Part I Plt3 3. fig 5.t4 walls
are flat — Perhaps illut5
cont fig 2.
M Lalannest6 Paper in Annal des Sc. Nat.
Tom 13— 1840 Pl XI. perhaps fig 2. of a cell with 3
rhomboidalt7 ‹p› plates at base — Perhaps fig 3. the opened
walls of cells. — Hexagonal prism might be shortened.—
Characteristics: wove paper; off-white
t1 Ch. 10] partially encircled t2 Tom] abbreviation of: 'Tome' t3 Pl] partially formed letter; conjectured transcription t4 5. ] written over '6.' t5 illu] final letter trails off; probable abbreviation of: 'illustration' t6 Lalannes] dropped apostrophe: 'Lalanne's ' t7 rhomboidal] retouched 'h'
Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History