
Ap./48/ Talking with Mr. Strickland = I confess that my theory must necessarily be given up.— if it ‹is certa› was probable in high degree that the first shell of Silurian System, was really ‹if› first, if really Didelphys of Stonesfield was really first mammal.— but I am far from believing in this, though greater number of geologists undoubtedly do.— The same chain reasoning which make ‹me› deny this, will also explain the gaps in chain— for if we now possess «in our cabinets» anything near its whole series — then also ‹our› my theory must be given up— but I am far from believing that we do nearly possess such a series. =

Scientific Practice: note refers to conversation; note refers to a person; reaction to idea; reasoning; speculation
Physical Characteristics: wove paper; cream

t1 22] added in brown crayon

Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History