
(temp) n8288

annotation 01
Edinburgh Journal of Science    1829. Vol. I. p. 88 — Babbage shows tht in Naples , Prussia, Westphalia as in France the excess of male birth over female children is less when illegitimate than when legitimate — Illegitimcy is unfavourable to th male sex ! — Shows not climate, but some slight unknwn cause may affect sexes— Again (p. 91) in Prussia with Jews for every 10,000 ♀ there are 11,292 males — whilst generl averge in Prussia gives for 10,000 ♀ 10,609 males.—

annotation 02
p. 90 Of still born children for evry 10,000 ♀, there are 13,689 ♂s: this supports Swedish return about death of males. children beng greter.—

+n8288/000 Babbage C, A letter to the right honourable T P Courtenay, on the proportionate number of births of the two sexes under different circumstances (Edinburgh) Journal of Science 1 1829: 85-104

Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History