July 3d 1869. Variability under nature Importantt1
I think it agrees best with what we see under Dom. that characters
become & long remain
fluctuating, & only occasionally actually new characters
«parts» appeart2.— By Pangenesis we can understand that
changed conditions have affected affinities of tissues &
That conditions are concerned in causing var.y we may
infer from domestications & monstrosities & sports or
modifications; & from the same species varying more in one
locality than another — New effect of chemical composition Lawes
& Gilbert — it is absurd to say that plants growing
evert3 closer together can expand
to same conditions & their
parents before them.— Again plants in New Zealand being so
variable — &t4
this agrees with fluctuations of characters long remaining Again
all spe. of Rubus, are descended from 1 progenitor & yet some
few sp. are not highly
variable — How about Hieracium, Cirsium &c. ask Nägeli? Again I
think most protean genera are large — Is not Epigæa of Meehan an
exception? & this wd indicate that variability is
caused & is inherited, & there is evidence from Hybrids
that variability strongly is transmitted, & this is just as
possible as Trimorphism or Dimorphism being transmitted —
Features: ink splatter
t1 Important] added in pencil; partially boxed t2 appear] 'r' retouched t3 ever] retouched t4 &] retouched
Transcription and apparatus copyright the American Museum of Natural History